Link to the online Civil Rights Self-Review survey we are using for OSU Extension.
Use token: 1234
Do NOT click "submit" on the final page.
Use the "previous / next" buttons on the bottom of the survey pages to navigate.
Depending on who has clicked on the link above and how far they have gotten thru the survey, you may not start on "page 1" of the survey. Click the "previous" button on the bottom of the survey page(s) to return to the first page of the survey. The top of page 1 will say "Welcome Guest (4-H/CountyDirector)".
The confirmation email is personalized based on information about the employee (stored in the token table) and information they submitted on the survey. The employee can edit their information up until the deadline using the link contained in the confirmation email. This email contains only the data submitted about themself. The CED receives a summary report containing aggregated county data approximately three weeks after the closing date of the survey.
Text on the final page of the survey describes the next steps in the process. In addition to the steps outlined on this page, Kathy Lechman (OSUE leader, diversity development), will review all 22 county summaries and provide feedback to the CEDs. The CEDs will review feedback, share with county Extension advisory committees to formulate an action plan to be sumitted back to Kathy within 120 days of her feedback.