The Ohio State University has contracted with Qualtrics, one of the leaders in online survey software products, for provisioning surveys for classes and research at the university. If you have a subscription to another online survey tool, you must provide a business case for continued use before renewing your subscription.
Any faculty or staff member (or Ohio State student) may use Qualtrics by setting up an account. Read the "getting started" section on the Qualtrics at Ohio State blog about how to log in for the first time: Getting Started with Qualtrics. The URL is Please make sure that you are using the Ohio State instance of Qualtrics and not a FREE Qualtrics account.
When you first log in to, you will be given a “student-trial” account, which you will need to “upgrade” to a “standard” account to be able to use all the features available. Read the KB document on how to use upgrade codes: If you are student, faculty, or staff in the CFAES, you will need to email Debby Lewis, CFAES Qualtrics Division Administrator, at to obtain the upgrade code. If you are associated with Ohio State outside CFAES, please click here to locate the name of your Qualtrics Division Administrator(s).
Once you have set up your account and are logged in, make sure to check out the many “on-demand webinars" for example, the Qualtrics Quick Start webinar. View other webinars (or search Qualtrics Help) by clicking the "?" in the upper-right corner, then select "take courses on XM Basecamp", then select the "Events & Webinars" tab, and scroll down to click the "on-demand" button. The Qualtrics at Ohio State blog also has a list of frequently asked questions.
NOTE: Did you have a SurveyMonkey account? What happens to your SurveyMonkey account when it expires? The LOD unit has some experience in this area. If you had one of their professional (paid) plans, your account will revert to the BASIC (free) plan when your subscription expires. Best practice is to export your data for important surveys BEFORE the expiration date of your paid subscription. Be warned that people can still respond to any surveys that are active (even with the BASIC plan)! You will want to close your active collectors because you will not be able to export data from these surveys after your paid subscription expires. You will only be able to VIEW the first 100 responses to your surveys when your account reverts to the BASIC plan. You WILL be able to continue to VIEW your surveys after your account reverts to the BASIC plan whether or not the surveys are “closed.”