Drop-in Training Schedule

The Learning and Organization Development (LOD) team wants to help you with questions about technology tools that you can use for telecommuting and for digital content delivery. We know that many resources are available at Ohio State, and we want to take the time to answer questions and share our strategies that we have used as Extension workers, presenters, facilitators, and educators. 

Open laptop computer sitting on wooden desk


Update June 29, 2020

As most of our state-wide campus transitions back into physical office space and programming continues to shift and increase, LOD will pause our live training sessions. We have recordings of most sessions from March-June 2020 linked below, along with some other useful tools. As always, if you can't find something you need at the links below, reach out to any of us (contact information page).

LOD web page:
  • http://extension.osu.edu/LOD
  • Information on LOD offerings and focus areas including Assess, Develop, Evaluate and Report, across the continuum of individual, program/products, and organizational
LOD YouTube Channel:
LOD Recordings (March-June 2020):
  • go.osu.edu/LODrecordings
  • Training recordings ranging from Zoom, Box and Outlook, to best practices in Evaluation, Engagment Strategies, Reporting, and more.