The new OSU Extension Choose And RequesT (CART) electronic system is now officially open and available for you to use. Click the news article title above to read the full article.
What is CART? It is your electronic program evaluation, Evaluation of Effective Extension Teaching (EEET), and Race, Ethnicity, Gender (REG) data collection tool, all rolled into one easy-to-use application.
Through CART, you can quickly choose from these options to create an all-in-one electronic form that will take your workshop participants less than five minutes to complete:
- Selected Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), Community Development (CD), Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), and 4-H Youth Development program evaluation questions.
- EEET questions.
- REG questions.
The form is based in Qualtrics and is mobile friendly. All program evaluation questions are available for viewing at this link
We’re sure that you have questions. We have prepared a job aide available at the following link that walks you through placing an order, making changes to an order, evaluation practice recommendations, and accessing a dashboard of your EEET results (Coming soon: program evaluation data will also be available in a dashboard).
Please read through this document carefully as it will answer many questions. You can also look at the system by creating a test form, receiving the instructional email, and using the link. If you choose to do a test form, please put “Test” in your event title so that we will know not to include that data in your dashboard.
We encourage use of CART as often as possible for two primary reasons:
- Quick access to your data. Results will be available in your dashboard, which will be updated on a weekly basis.
- Ease of use. You will not have the burden of preparing paper-based forms, manually doing data entry at the local level, or copying and mailing forms to the state Learning and Organizational Development (LOD) office.
Please discontinue the use of paper-based EEETs immediately and use the CART system instead. However, if there is a situation where it is absolutely necessary (e.g., Internet connection is poor or non-existent, etc.), paper-based EEET forms can still be used. The EEET forms (as well as a cover sheet) are available at this link Please be aware, at this time, that paper-based EEETs will still need to be sent to the LOD office to be processed manually, which will significantly increase the time for you to receive a summary report. For a paper-based form to collect REG data, use this link