Summer McLain

professional headshot of Summer McLain
Summer McLain
Instructional Design Specialist
25 Agricultural Administration Bldg

I joined the Learning and Organizational Development unit in July of 2021. I am from western Ohio and have been a Buckeye all my life. I earned my B.S. in AgriScience Education in 2019 and my M.S. in Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership in 2021, both from The Ohio State University. My passions include teaching and learning, instructional design, digital accessibility, and working with learners. In my current position, I collaborate with the LOD team, subject matter experts, faculty, IT specialists, the Office of Distance Education, and other Extension personnel to develop engaging and accessible instructional content for Extension’s public facing ScarletCanvas courses. I currently live in Columbus with my wolfdog, Nymeria.



  • OLC Instructional Designer Certificate Program - Online Learning Consortium
  • OLC Course Quality Review (OSCQR) Trainer - Online Learning Consortium