Vita Training Recordings

Vita Extension Personnel Training Recordings

Bookmarks are located throughout the January video.  To see them, click to open the video, then click on "Show More" to see the list of bookmarks and their timestamps.
You can view the video in "theater mode", which increases the screen size while still keeping the list of bookmarks viewable. Hover over the lower-right portion of the recording window, until you see the video icon options YouTube Video Menu Icons and then click on the wide rectangle. Don't forget to turn on your speakers!

In January, we focused on the OSU Extension module in Vita. See the PowerPoint slides under "Helpful Documents" in the menu above-left. 

Date Content Length of Recording Link
1/7/2020 Mainly OSU Extension module in Vita 2 hours, 3 minutes Click here to view the recording
5/29/2020 Mainly "Elements" section in Vita 1 hour Click here to view the recording