INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Kentucky

The following describes an innovative person.

Region: Southern

Contact information for this innovator: Gary Palmer
Job title / position: Asst Dir ANR Extension Programs

Contact number: 859 257 1846

Email address:

Brief description of innovator as provided in online survey: Gary has pioneered and perfected the use of LYNC for webinar trainings and video trainings for agents. Significant savings of time and money.

Notes from phone interview:

Glink is a Microsoft thing and people have all kinds of equivalents. But, the innovation here is Gary recognized the potential more than a year ago, two years ago probably. He just - he would not - I mean, it's more than sending out a note that says, "Oh, by the way, you can use this for this purpose," which I see and you probably do see way too much of, that is not helpful.

He said, "I see the potential, I will work on this. I will work out the kinks. I will support this. I will use it in the way that I work." He has brought along the whole extension service. I can prove that he has basically saved me or a full empty county agent equivalent from time and money saved in travel and time. Running up and down the highway to go to trainings. Yeah, not to mention what was the value of the training. You got more people doing it. Just in time stuff and the benefits are huge.

We're using it primarily for training, although it reminds me of another innovation I want to move to in a second. Because we're using a little bit of it for producer education, direct producer education. But, we're learning that most producers really would rather not have it this way. They still want it face to face. But, I've got an example of where we've done something else that will make it, except though maybe not the best, but make it acceptable. Anyway, we use it mainly for training so it'd be an internal audience.

The following describes an innovative person.
Region: Southern

Contact information for this innovator: Bob Coleman
Job title / position:

Contact number: (859) 257-9451

Email address:

Brief description of innovator as provided in online survey: Bob uses a combination of in-person and webinar based teaching to reach a wider audience with his Horse College project.

Notes from phone interview:

Horse College, which is a high demand program for us. We've got one guy basically, one horse person that's kind of, in charge. The speaker of note and of record can't be everywhere. Well, what they have done that I think has been fairly innovative, first of all, they've got a curriculum, the agents know it. The agents can support all four nights of it, in terms of pay or whatever the different things are that they're going to talk about that night.

Bob will commit, say there's four nights of it. He will commit to being in one of the locations live every year so he can do four of those. Everybody else gets that lesson by webinar. You have this energy of presenting to a live audience and it's not like you're only gonna see the talkin head. You're gonna get, one night is going to be live and you can kind of, you know. It has greatly expanded Bob's ability to manage that program and to leverage that program and see more people.

The following describes an innovative person.

Region: Southern

Contact information for this innovator: Richard Coffey
Job title / position:

Contact number: (859) 257-2686

Email address:

Brief description of innovator as provided in online survey: Richard developed informational CDs which were provided throughout the state at a low cost.

Notes from phone interview:

All these kinds of things have been done before, but I would like him to explain it to you. Well, anyway because it saves a lot of publishing cost etcetera, etcetera. I'm believing this is it. It supported our horse project, but I think he had more than one and so I'd like you to talk to him those information CD products that he made

Yeah and he actually, he didn't charge enough for it. I thought it ought to be $100.00 product.  He just got $10 bucks for it.

Well, I can recognize - well, demand number one. He's moving a lot of 'em so it's not like, you can - we can't reap, but we can count as administrators so demand is one. But, our confidence in Richard's kind of innovation, kind of, I don't know, IQ in a programming IQ, he's not - you got to trust him sometimes that he's not gonna get you in a deep water and use copyrighted materials etcetera, etcetera. There's some trust that you have to kind of extend in those circumstances. It wasn't a big stretch, but I think that's part of the equation.

The following describes an innovation.

Region: Southern

Main contact information for this innovation: Jeff Stringer

Main contact job title / position: Extension Professor

Main contact number: (859) 257-5994

Main contact email address:

Innovation name: Using Constant Contact for upgraded communication pieces for department.

Brief description of innovation as provided in online survey: Using Constant Contact for improved communication branding and messaging.

Notes from phone interview:

Information sharing, the constant contact because they have just branded their work. When you get one of their e-mails you really know it. I'm almost positive that they're probably using different things to survey responses because you can do that for people on your mailing list. I've discovered that about constant contact. It's improving the way that we communicate with clientele. That's what it really is.

We're recognizing that it's good. Not penalizing it because maybe it doesn't have the complete look and feel of all of the logo restrictions and the, "Oh my gosh," it was about what it is like to be at a university where their brand is worth unbelievable fee of the dollars. Protecting them on some days when the logo police, if you'll forgive that kind of terminology.

They're filling a void. They're showing us how to do things in a way that I hadn't thought about and like people like it. That's what I'm doing. In situations like that, let's back off of the regulatory just a little bit and see, why did they? Another example is, people who go off sight or they have a private vendor do a private website for their office, their program, their county. There have been some things that we're not delivering on campus and just to slam 'em for going off the reservation is short sided, could be short sided.